The #1 Educational Platform for Business Owners

Who Want to Sell Their Businesses at the Highest Price ... on Their Terms ... When They are Ready!

Increase Your Wealth

TheBreakOUT BizOwner educationally-driven platform has a very specific focus. All of the various resources have been developed by "business valuation and ownership transfer expert", Richard Mowrey, to help business owners gain new knowledge ... so they can double or triple the value of their businesses.

Information to Reduce Daily Stress and Increase Business Value

BreakOUT Business Owner Course

New, live on-line, seven-week course for the highly motivated business owner who wants easy to use knowledge to dramatically increase business value!

BreakOUT Briefings

Fast paced, 29 minute virtual meetings with timely topics for business owners and advisors who want to learn how to quickly increase business values.

BreakOUT Seminars

BreakOUT 3.5 hour programs designed to help business owners achieve financial freedom ... by preparing early for the biggest deal of their careers.

Discover the SECRET

Avoid Major Regrets! Get your copy of the report that reveals a secret that every business owners should know! A secret that can make a measurable difference in the value of your business ... both in the short and long-term.

On this educational platform you will learn

How to be properly focused on value creation and become highly productive in your decision processes. This comes from two sources within

First, there are books, workshops, seminars, and courses to add to your overall valuation and ownership transfer knowledge.

Second, you will find information to use as a basis for adjusting your mindset. A shift in how you think and work can make a massive difference. New directions, ideas, and strategies properly deployed can rapidly improve the value of your business...and reduce management frustrations.

But, before that happens, you have to decided that it is possible! Possible ... for you to make a personal change to work "on your business" with "value creation" in top of mind. Once you and your management team adopt new thinking and methods of can achieve measurable, superior results. It is all about the "hunger to learn"! access and use the best possible information that is available. Such critically important information is exactly what you will find in all the "educational offerings" so you can increase your wealth...with the power of your business.

Increase the Rewards of Business Ownership

The site provides a variety of educational opportunities designed specifically for owners of privately held businesses. Specialized courses, books, and other resources are available to help owners increase the value of their businesses. The new knowledge is delivered via printed materials, audio recordings, short-form videos, and live presentations.

Printed Materials

Books, reports, and articles are provided for direct delivery of targeted information to integrate into your plans and actions.


Short topic specific videos are included to setup your learning environment. Longer videos within courses and other educational information formats provide detail steps and augment new information.

Live Presentations

Webinars and live on-line sessions within workshops and courses give you the opportunity to interact and ask questions.

© 2024 Management Services & Development, LTD. and Richard Mowrey - All Rights Reserved

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